Let's Be Fronds
For some of us, festivals are tough.
If you've ever felt alone in a room of hundreds of people, if you've ever wanted to strike up a conversation but been stuck in the how or who, we hope this little pin helps.
The Frond Pin lets you opt-in to conversations without saying a word. Wear one to signal that you'd like to join a conversation, or seek out somebody wearing one if you're not sure who to talk to.
If you're a more outgoing person, look for people wearing this pin! They may be too shy or nervous to initiate the conversation themselves.
We hope it helps you meet some really great people this weekend.
The Pins
The pin has a reversible design, allowing the wearer to signal either approachability or a desire to be left alone as they see fit.

Let's be fronds
Looking to make a friend? Find somebody sporting this pin!
See somebody wearing it? Invite them into your conversation!

Leaf me be, please
Need a break? Spin the pin and take a time-out.
See somebody wearing it? Give them some space! Everybody needs a break sometimes.
How do I get a pin?
Ask somebody wearing one if they have some extras, or DM @annika in Slack.
Conversation Starters
Not sure what to say? Try one of these.
Conference-related questions:
- Which talk/speaker are you looking forward to?
- Which talks/speakers have you seen? How were they?
- How's your conference going? (Bonus: you can ask this multiple times to the same person, which is great for us faceblind people!)
- (On the first day of a conference) When did you get in? Where were you coming from? How did the trip go?
- (On the last day of a conference) When are you heading out? Where are you heading back to? How long of a trip is that?
- (Follow-up to the above two sets of questions) I've never been there, what would you recommend if I go? / Oh, I've been there for.... / What is something you like about where you are coming from/going to?
- Are you thinking about/have you gotten out to anything else in the city during the conference?
General icebreaker questions:
- Nice pin! How did you get it?
- What are you excited about right now?
- What are you hoping to get involved with in the near future?
Who did this?
The Frond Pin is a community project by XOXO attendees, but not affiliated with the festival. Initial proposal by Annika, button design by Isar, "Let's Be Fronds" wording by Emily. Many thanks to everyone in the XOXO Slack who made suggestions and helped refine the idea, including many, many people in #x-commons. Printed by Busy Beaver Button Co., Chicago, IL.